We have had a bear hanging around he got the plastic garbage can that was in the shop full of squirrel food, don't know were he left the can no trace anywhere.He also got the neighbours garbage, so that's why he has been hanging around When Sadie is barking like crazy it usually means the bear is around.
The bear has been back he was in the carport and he is a good size.
Got to talk to Shawn (son) this morning he is on deployment on the waters off of Lybia, they are on shore for a few days near Greece. He sounded good and was nice to hear his voice.
I'm ticked was making the latest block of the CWAnniversary (blue&brown one) and was attaching another row and sashing and thinking there is 2 more rows left look at my sashing and dosen't look like enough to me but in my mind I had just enough when I was cutting even had to piece a couple of the sashing strips so I count and sure enough I'm short 6 I've been surfing the net looking for more fabric and nothing,
so I guess my top will be 7 X 7 blocks instead of 7 X 8. The scrappy one will have all the released blocks.
Think Randy has to go to camp for a couple of days so I should have my own mini retreat starting tomorrowDon't know what to play with, need backing for the 9-patch delight top, so that's a no go.
My Pony Club book has still not arrived was sent 3 weeks ago today slow mail Sure I will come up with something I did print out the BunnyHill BOM which I think is going to be the last one she is not having one next year, there is applique do I need a challenge
Time will tell.
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